
Monday, October 4, 2010

1, 2, 3...It's Easy Just Vote For Me...In The Competition Called PFB...

Voting Ends October 7th

Can you believe that I made it to Round 3 of the Project Food Blog Competition?! Me neither!! But, since I did make it, it's that time of week again. Time to Vote! ha. Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me the past two rounds! Now, I need your help once again. You have until October 7 to cast your vote for me so that I can make it past the the third round!! :D

Have you seen my Third Round Entry? No? No worries, here it is Project Food Blog: "Luxury Dinner Party". Hopefully you liked my "upscaling" of "American Comfort Food" classics. It's a simple meal that is packed with flavor! So, show me that you're packed with love and turn my dull grey heart into a vibrant red heart on FoodBuzz!! 

Go to FoodBuzz, create an account if you haven't already, and vote for my blog entry. Simply click the heart and by the magic of the internet, it will magically turn red. haha. Just go here to vote. You can also go to my Project Food Blog Profile and vote from there. Every vote counts!! Thanks!!


  1. Love checking out all the competition! You have my vote! :-)

  2. good luck to you! voted already :)

    Have a lovely day love!!
    jen @

  3. This is pretty exciting, A.J.! I am not the least bit surprised that you're doing so well in that competition. Keep up the great work, dude!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! :)

-Aaron John